Custom solutions for every need
Last but not least you need consultation and knowledge to obtain special solutions. Therefore we are used to support our customers in all respects. To ensure that everything is managed optimally from your inquiry to your order, we assist you with our knowledge:

Elektro-pneumatische Ventile
March 2024
electro-pneumatic Valves - stress test for cryogenic Valve - 8.4 million switching cycles reached
Reliability, an experience with added value
Electro-magnetic compatibility
Cryogenic valve

Cryo Ventile
December 2023
Solenoid valves for cryogenic application LN2 LCO2
The handling and control of liquefied cryogenic gases, namely liquid carbon dioxide (LCo2) or liquid
nitrogen (LN2) at temperatures of up to minus 196°C is given more and more importance for technical
safety considerations. Cryo solenoid valves are used for blocking pressurized lines, e.g. for cement cooling
and soil freezing and for the control of air conditioning cabinets for laboratory application and food
Liquefied nitrogen

Elektro-pneumatische Ventile
December 2023
Solenoid valves for the refrigerant circuit
Solenoid valves are automatic valves designed without gland seals, suitable for isolating gaseous and liquid volume flow rates in many different pressure and temperature ranges, and there are practically no limits to their application. Thanks to the fail-safe function "spring-pressure closing‘ or ‚spring-pressure opening‘ solenoid valves are used as safety-related actuators.

Solenoid valves
December 2023
Double block and bleed Valve Art. 029.000085
In case of malfunctions of the process valves unexpected dangerous problems occur and you therefore have to expect increased higher risks, the valves have to be designed in a redundant arrangement.

Solenoid valves
November 2023
Emergency oxygen supply
The Research Centre for Fishery of the land Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania has a field site with breeding basins for fishes in Born on the peninsula Fischland-Darß. In the basins not only young but also old fishes such as perches, sturgeon, catfishes and pikeperches are bred. Automatic feeders feed the fishes, which the excrements contaminate the water.
Magnetventile servogesteuert
Emergency supply

Solenoid valves
November 2023
IP 68 solenoid valves for driving safety centres and spray fountain technology
Today it is an important part for driving schools, fire brigades, police departments, and private individuals to
train drivers regarding
safe handling of their vehicles in hazard areas. Crowded streets, fast cars - the driver must be able to safely
control every situation in
road traffic today more than ever before.

Elektro-pneumatische Ventile
November 2023
Soft-closing automatic valves for water control
This is not an easy task as all known principles to avoid water hammer have undesired side effects for this special
application ...
Magnetventile servogesteuert

Cryo Ventile
October 2023
Project: Ground freezing with liquid nitrogen
The ground is to be frozen during civil engineering works, e.g. tunnel construction to protect from sinkholes and water penetration. For this purpose a number of freezing lances is positioned in the tunnel, shaft or adit and subsequently filled with liquid nitrogen. The nitrogen with a temperature of -196° C forms a freeze wall extending deep into the surrounding ground within some days ...
Cryogenic valve
Ground freezing

Solenoid valves
October 2023
Servicing high pressure solenoid valve in the pump station
Valves are to be maintained according to their use and stress involved. Stress is based on the operation time, medium, pressure, and exceptional circumstances such as pollution, temperature ...
Water technology
70 bar

Solenoid valves
October 2023
Valves with railway certification EN 50155 for Fire Protecting Systems
Valves are needed to ensure filling and emptying processes for a water mist system. The valves must be equipped with at least one limit switch for the "Closed" position (suitable for railway use). Fresh water is filled in and emptied via the valves ...
Electro-magnetic compatibility
Railway technology

Cryo Ventile
July 2023
12/2021 Testing for functionality in cryogenic environment
Permanent operability of the valve A5244/0604/1012-F 24VDC in cryogenic environment shall be tested.
Cryogenic valve
Liquefied nitrogen
Temperature control

June 2023
Buschjost Magnetventile wins top innovator award
Überlingen – Cast off the old and embrace the new: innovative mid-sized companies such as Vlotho-based Buschjost Magnetventile GmbH & Co. KG see change as an opportunity rather than something to be afraid of. It is this mindset that impressed the judges in the TOP 100 competition, now in its 27th year. From 19 June, Buschjost Magnetventile will officially be able to call itself a TOP 100 company. During the rigorous selection process, the level A company (up to 50 employees) scored particularly highly in the Innovative Processes and Organisation category and Successful Innovations category.

Solenoid valves
March 2023
Importance of individual special products for hydrogen technology
Solenoid valves are absolute specialists for hydrogen up to 900 bar, whose performance depends heavily on the adaptation to the working environment.

October 2022
Teil 2 FRITZ. In tiefkalter Umgebung (03/23)
Funktionsfähigkeit des Buschjost-Ventils mit integrierter Endlagenerfassung soll in kalter Umgebung geprüft werden
Cryogenic valve
End position feedback
Temperature control

October 2022
FRITZ. The sensor for end position detection (11/22)
As of now. Valve switch detection with a Hall sensor can now be retrofitted for solenoid valves. For many applications it is essential that the user is certain whether the valve has switched or not. Such end position sensing is usually solved with reed contact switches.
End position feedback

Solenoid valves
February 2021
Fuel cut-off valve for locomotives
Subsequent to our project "Fuel cut-off valves for European locomotives" concluded in 2014, our customer is developing a further order project, i.e. a fast driving diesel passenger locomotive for the US market ...
Electro-magnetic compatibility
Railway technology
Emergency supply
End position feedback

Solenoid valves
February 2021
Fire-fighting water system with lockable solenoid valves
There is high risk of fire due to overheated fat in all the fields where cocoa beans are to be roasted. In the plants, steam is often used as a heat source for the roaster air and any plugged nozzles and pipe fittings can easily be overheated by the fat so that the plant catches fire ...
Magnetventile servogesteuert
Safety switch-off

Elektro-pneumatische Ventile
August 2020
electro-pneumatic Valves - stress test for cryogenic Valve - 8.4 million switching cycles reached
Reliability, an experience with added value
Electro-magnetic compatibility
Cryogenic valve

Solenoid valves
July 2020
10 Years Cryo-Valves 2006-2016
Lifetime, a Question of the horizon of expectation
Cryogenic valve
Liquefied nitrogen
Food approval

Solenoid valves
May 2020
04/2021 Railway standard EN 50155. Solenoid Valves certified
Buschjost has additional valves for use in rail vehicles in accordance with the EN 50155 rail standard. Typical operating conditions for rail vehicles with regard to the environment, electrics and EMC are taken into account.
Electro-magnetic compatibility
Railway technology
Emergency supply
End position feedback