Elektro-pneumatische Ventile
August 2020

electro-pneumatic Valves - stress test for cryogenic Valve - 8.4 million switching cycles reached

Reliability, an experience with added value

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Target: Minimum 2,5 Mio switching cycles without maintenance.

In close co-operation with a customer we have submitted a valve to a long-term test under real conditions.

For the production of Premium synthetic materials, for the use in the Chirugie, the basic material is subjected in the climatic chamber to a regulated process. The product in the climatic chamber may not cross and remain a fixed temperature. For the regulated temperature entry with liquified nitrogen -196°C our Cryoventil of the Type 90 is responsible. An absolute reliability of the valve in indispensably, because a malfunctioning would destroy the material load in the chamber worth of a 1/4 million EUR.

Chronological sequence

01/19/2016 valves were installed and put into operation for the first time

02/28/2018 2.5 million switching cycle are read out. Findings "valve in good condition"

02/28/2018 decided that after 3.0 million switching cycles, the valve should be returned to the factory to be examined for signs of defects

09/26/2018 3.0 million cycles exceeded. Decision to let the valve continue to run until there is a malfunction.

06.06.2019: 3.8 million cycles read out. The valve A90 continues to operate as no internal or external leakage can be detected.

20.03.2024: 8.4 million cycles read (evaluation of Kübler Codex pulse counter) Valve no longer closes, liquid nitrogen flows uncontrolled into the chamber/P>