Series B3526-B3528/1004

Heavy-duty 2/2-way solenoid valve for a pressure drop zero to max.40 bar. The sealing element is a metal piston with ring-shaped seat sealing. The piston is guided in the valve cover by piston ring. This is a robust valve type, suitable for high pressures, and thanks to the use of PTFE sealing materials it is also suitable for a wide range of applications.
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Technical informations
G5/4, G6/4, G2
0 bar up to 40 bar
-40 °C up to 80 °C
Type of Control
electrically force-controlled
Housing materials
CW617N brass
NO, manual reset, limit switches, Ex-proof, free of oil and grease
Oxygen O2, Nitrous Oxide N2O, Gases flammable, Air, Hydrogen H2, Nitrogen Gas N2, Forming Gas, LPG liquified petrol gas propane, butane, natural Gas CH4, CNG - Compressed Natural Gas, Fuel Oil, Gasoline, Dieseloil, Fuels, CO2 carbon dioxide gas, Water, H2O, Methane CH4, Acetone CH3COCH3, Argon Ar, Hydraulic Oil, Liquid Carbon Dioxide LCO2, Ethylene C2H4, Propylene, Propene - C3H6, 2-methylpentan, isohexane, liquid, refrigerant R290, R600a, heptane ( hexan, petrol), Isobutane C4H10, propylene glycol C3H8O2, Ethylacetat CH3 CO2 CH2 CH3, Refrigerant R407C, Toluol C6H5CH3, Isopropanol CH3 CH(OH)CH3, Water H2O with Glycole, Antifrogen N
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