Pinch valves

The highly elastic hose sleeve anchored in the valve housing is surrounded by the control space. If this space is pressurised by compressed air,

  1. the initially round hose sleeve deforms,
  2. becomes oval
  3. and then folds flat in a predetermined position.

The pinch valve is now closed as long as the control pressure continues. When the control chamber is vented, the hose sleeve opens again to the round, full cross-section by its own restoring force and with the aid of the medium pressure. At a control pressure approx. 1.5 - 2.5 bar (depending on the nominal size) higher than the medium pressure, the pinch valve seals gaseous, liquid, pasty or powdery media tightly. Solids are enclosed by the highly elastic hose sleeve. However, gas-tight closing is not guaranteed if the flow medium consists mainly of coarse particles.

Air, water or oil can be used as the control medium. Type 75 is suitable as a 3/2-way control valve.

The pinch valves are high-quality products of the manufacturer Ho-Matic AG "Made in Switzerland" and can be requested from us or directly from the manufacturer.

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