Series D2407-D2409/04

2/2-way solenoid valve made of high-quality grey cast iron EN-GJL250, internal parts made of stainless steel and brass. The sealing element is a metal piston with an annular seat seal made of an elastomer or plastic. Force-operated valves combine the advantages of servo- and direct-operated valves. The valves do not require a pressure differential to open and are ideal for large nominal sizes. An unusually large variety of options make this category the specialist 'par excellence'.
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Technical informations
DN65, DN80, DN100, DN150
0 bar up to 16 bar
-10 °C up to 80 °C
Type of Control
electrically force-controlled
Housing materials
EN-GJL250 grey cast
Air, Fuel Oil, Gasoline, Dieseloil, Fuels, Propane/Butane gaseous C3H8, Methane CH4, Nitrogen Gas N2, Oxygen O2, natural Gas CH4, Ethylacetat CH3 CO2 CH2 CH3
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