Series B43-10

Solenoid valve for gases and solid-free liquids. The seal at the valve seat is made by a rubber diaphragm. Force-operated solenoid valves can be used where direct-acting valves are required. The valves operate from 0 bar pressure difference and combine the advantages of servo- and direct-acting valves. An unusually large variety of options make the 43 series with threaded connection the specialist 'par excellence'.
Technical informations
G5/4, G6/4, G2
0 bar up to 16 bar
-30 °C up to 80 °C
Type of Control
electrically force-controlled
Housing materials
CW617N brass
NO, manual reset, limit switches, Ex-proof, free of oil and grease
Water, H2O, Nitrogen Gas N2, Oxygen O2, Air, Vacuum, Water H2O with Glycole, Cool Emulsion, Cooling Water, Propane/Butane gaseous C3H8, LPG liquified petrol gas propane, butane, natural Gas CH4, Fuel Oil, Gasoline, Dieseloil, Fuels, CO2 carbon dioxide gas, Ethanol, Forming Gas, Methane CH4, Hydrogen H2, Argon Ar, Vacuum + Pressure, Brake Fluid, Hydraulic Oil, Motor Oil, Mineral Oil, Nitrous Oxide N2O, Rape Oil, propylene glycol C3H8O2, Helium Gas He, neongas NE, Ethane C2H6, heptane ( hexan, petrol), CNG - Compressed Natural Gas, Isobutane C4H10, Acetone CH3COCH3, Isopropanol CH3 CH(OH)CH3, CO carbon monoxide, Acetylene C2H2
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