Solenoid valves
mai 2020

27.04.2021 Norme ferroviaire EN 50155. Électrovannes certifiées.

Buschjost a élargi son portefeuille d'électrovannes ferroviaires pour véhicules ferroviaires selon la norme ferroviaire EN 50155 avec 2 électrovannes supplémentaires. Les conditions de fonctionnement typiques du secteur ferroviaire en termes d'environnement, d'électricité, de CEM sont prises en compte.


We are pleased to be able to help design a passenger train project.

In the period quarter I/21 to III/22, the first new passenger coaches will be equipped with our pressurised water solenoid valves of the series E43-RW G043.005750.010.009.010. 4 valves are installed per wagon.

  • G043.005750.010.009.010
  • connection DN13, G1/2
  • Valve operates without pressure difference
  • Seals cold flexible
  • Voltage tolerance +/- 30%
  • Shock and vibration according to EN 61373
  • Climatic and EMC testing according to EN 50155
  • We were also able to complete an order from and for a European railway company: The valve A52 G052.001839.010.009.010 as a drain valve for the air drying system on shunting locomotives. In detail, it was about the fact that the previous water drain valves of a competitor regularly clogged up and the condensed water could not be drained off without problems. It is suspected that some fine dust from the air intake gets into the system and the valves to be replaced have too small a drain diameter, so that the contamination cannot drain off with the water. The customer was interested in a solution with as large a diameter as possible, from P up to A. However, the valve should not be enlarged in overall dimensions.

  • G052.001839.010.009.010
  • Connection DN4, G1/4
  • Valve operates without pressure differenc
  • Pressure 16 bar
  • Voltage tolerance +/- 30%
  • Shock and vibration according to EN 61373
  • Climatic and EMC testing according to EN 50155